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March 2005

My mother once wondered how my sister and I turned out the way we did.  She fondly ( I think) refers to us as witches. Our children don’t watch television or work with computers.  At least not yet. They don’t eat junk (or hardly do). We don’t burden them prematurely with intellectual concepts. We put them in a Steiner school because we want them to develop into balanced human beings—in thinking, feeling and willing. We eat organic and biodynamic food when we can. Our cleansers and detergents are natural and biodegradable when possible. Our medicines are homeopathic or anthroposophic. We use allopathic remedies only when absolutely necessary.  We give birth at home and without drugs.  Today this seems radical given the state of the world, but years and years ago, this was the norm. The way I see it, not too many people died of cancer then or suffered the kind of debilitating diseases we’re seeing today.

We don’t respect the processes of life anymore.  We ingest chemical cocktails when we can’t conceive, decide when our children will be born, and numb ourselves from the pain of childbirth without bothering to think about what it means.  We bring our children into the world in cold, harried environments and inject them with all kinds of drugs at birth because we buy into the fear that they might get sick and die if we don’t. We give them formula because we’ve been made to believe it’s superior to human milk. We give them junk and wonder why they won’t eat their veggies, so we go out and buy more powdered milk because it’s a “complete food”.  At the first sign of illness, we give them antibiotics and steroids. Then we give them more when the illnesses become chronic because the child’s body has lost the ability to heal itself.

A friend recently said that any choice our parents and grandparents made in their day was much healthier than the ones we make today, just because the world was different then.  Entertainment wasn’t so violent. Technology wasn’t so in your face.  Food was not laden with antibiotics, hormones, preservatives and other edible poisons. People were less afraid, not too much in a rush to get who-knows-where and weren’t burdened with constantly beeping cell phones. Their days weren’t made-up of hours in traffic on polluted roads lined with billboards. There was more nature everywhere. There weren’t too many assaults on the senses. Everything is too fast and hard in our world today and so we must struggle to make against-the-tide choices to create warmth, light and space in our lives.

The tragic deaths from cassava poisoning are an example of the hard lessons of materialism. We use pesticides to maximize agricultural yield, without thinking about what they do to the earth and the human body over time.  It is the same principle behind genetically modified food.  Materialistic science says this is the way we can conquer world hunger but at what cost to human life and the vitality and well being of the earth?  And we wonder why so many of us are falling ill.

I believe all this was meant to happen as part of our human development.  The world has become so materialistic. It will take tremendous resolve to restore balance in it.  Our task now, unlike our grandparents for whom life seemed simpler, is to rise above materialism in full consciousness.  It is our task to choose to live in a way that brings human life and spirit back into cohesion so that we can transform the world through conscious deed. This begins by making choices in the way we live; in the things we choose to spend our time and resources on.

People are incredulous when they hear that my children don’t watch television. It isn’t forever, of course. Television is part of the world. It is not my aim to create an unrealistic world for them. I just believe that it is not time for them to experience electronic media given where they are in their development. What they need to be doing is experiencing their bodies and the world.  There will be time for technology later on, when they are stronger physically, emotionally and intellectually. This means I’m with them more and I find things for them to do. My children love to build things and the things they continue to create in their play make me feel I’m on to something real.

As a mother who is making conscious choices, I am forced to work on my inner development.  When I say something to my children I always follow through.  I don’t make promises I can’t keep.  I work hard to live authentically. I am careful about the kind of conversations they are exposed to.  When they go through difficult patches, I look at myself and the home I’ve created for them and try to see where I may have contributed to their difficulty and how I can help them through.

I chose to give birth to my second child at home because I wanted him to come into a peaceful, loving environment.  I didn’t want him to feel the coldness of the hospital and the stressful movements of all those strangers in white the way my first born and I did.  I chose not to give formula and went breastmilk all the way. I decided certain immunizations were more harmful than beneficial. To support this decision, I am vigilant about my children’s nutrition, rhythm and their exposure to unhealthy stimuli. I am not perfect but I do strive to give them a better life by finding the courage to go against the norm because I believe it is all part of helping them to be inwardly strong to face –and overcome– the overwhelming challenges of this material world.   One day, I hope my choices come together and that my children become the kind of men who will live in a way that truly serves mankind and the world.

These are not easy choices but they have to be made.  I choose a healthy life for my children so that they grow up able to hold their own against the harshness of the world not so that they can live in isolation, but so that they can be fully productive, socially engaged spiritual individuals.  It is the strength inside that will create the world outside. This can only happen if I make the difficult choices today.


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  1. kriscia / Aug 15 2009 6:57 am

    I’m so glad I found your blog. It’s beacon of light for me as I try to find my way through all the Steiner Ed info out there. I’m thinking about sending my 6 year old to a steiner school which means pulling her out of the state public school she’s currently in. My concerns circle around a) the school fees possibly being a burden on my family’s finances – here in Sydney, Aust, it’s quite dear. And b) that it might be ‘wrong’ for her – ie, she might be ‘behind’ on certain subjects when it comes to high school…. I have a decision to make and I want to make an informed one. I’m drawn to steiner ed because the philosophy that the whole child is guided; the head, heart and hands concept, resonates loudly with me. I do not want my daughter to ‘buy into’ a lot of the misguided values that society and popular culture sells. I want her to think, feel, and act, for herself and for a greater good….

    Anyway, this is my rant – but I just really wanted to thank you for your blog and I will spend a few hours perusing it to help me with my decision.

    Kriscia 🙂

  2. janette / Sep 2 2009 12:38 am

    My daughter did not watch TV until she was 14. Then I made the decision that it was time to learn how to watch, so that she would know how to “switch off the box” when appropriate.
    For one year, once or twice a week we watched a New Zealand hospital soap opera. After one year, we magically overdosed and switched off, and about never switched on again.
    After that point we watched nice videos every weekend or so. It developed really beautifully into a social occasion , when her friends would come around and stay for a sleep over. It was really lovely. I got to know her friends quite well, they were lovley young people and I loved getting to know them.
    I this way the tv became a rich part of our life. And we were able to avoid violent and unpleasant material. I still watch the occasional DVD. I last switched on the TV on Sept 11.. what year was that?

  3. Lui / Jan 22 2010 1:45 am

    great site! thanks for this informative topics. big help!

    i’m now one of you big fan. ;o)


  4. Jen / Aug 27 2010 5:43 pm

    Wonderful article! I also gave birth at home, unhurried, without an episiotomy, and anesthesia and other chemicals and I intend to do it again when I get pregnant next. I am still breastfeeding my almost-three-year-old toddler. It is one of my dreams that more mothers and mothers-to-be will come to experience the warmth and ‘specialness’ of giving birth this way, and how it helps establish a loving and unadulterated bond with your newborn, who I am sure would always choose to be born alert and at his own pace. I believe such a start is a big factor in bringing up a responsible, loving, caring and happy individual. Thank you for your articles and write on!

  5. JoAnna / Aug 27 2022 7:32 am

    Love your site! I would love to know what you say to your children about TV and why they should not watch at a young age? what if you have already started young? .. any tips on how you make that change? Thank you 🙂

    • panjeetapales / Aug 27 2022 12:35 pm

      Hello JoAnna. Thanks for dropping in. My children are 25 and 21 already and this website is mostly an archive, but what I would suggest is get them busy with their hands–have crafts and activities ready, have them help in the kitchen, take them outdoors! Children would really rather be moving and doing anyway. If you have this on offer, a conversation about TV isn’t really necessary at all. I hope this helps!

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